Helen's Most Recent Picture

Helen's Most Recent Picture
What a great smile!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Done with therapy.

This past Wednesday found us meeting with the speech and occupational therapists for the last time. Mom had met all the goals and it was time to turn her loose. We again note that her daily success is TOTALLY DEPENDENT on making a list of things to accomplish daily on her schedule. If it is not on the schedule and/or the schedule is not consulted (or found), there is little chance of being where needed or with the needed items unless one of us reminds her. Mom has always been a list maker until after the stroke. She still THINKS she is a list maker, but she has not been doing it. After much discussion with the speech therapist on Wednesday, Mom has started doing much better with making lists AND completing her daily schedule. This is one of the conditions for getting her driving privileges back. Dave let her drive to therapy on Wednesday and to his house afterward. She knew exactly what to do and where to go without any hesitation. The driving plan currently is that she can drive when Dave is with her. He still has her car and plans to keep it for a while. She sees her doctor on Friday and will discuss the driving again with her. Dr. Maurer had suggested that this be revisited in the spring (that is certainly okay by me). We still have very interesting conversations due to the short term memory loss. It often takes me a bit to figure out what she is asking and why. A couple of weeks ago I had a very difficult week and was very emotional. After spending some time with my thoughts and tears, I realized that I was grieving for the mother that is no longer present. Yes, she is still here but she is very different in what she is able to process and how she is able to relate to me. We no longer have the mother/daughter talks like we were able to in the past and our roles are very different. There is still much joy and sharing but in a more simplistic fashion. I am once again able to enjoy the moments and times that we are spending together in our new roles and changed relationship.

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